Now that you’ve got a base resume (see Making a great CM resume), it’s time to start shopping it around to a few hiring managers!

Red flags to watch out for

But, before you start wading into the job market, I implore you to learn about some essential red flags. These are the red flags I’ve learned over the years that I keep my eyes and ears out for as I read through every job description (JD) and listen to each overview by hiring managers:

Finding smarter, not harder

Okay, now that we’ve gotten these red flags out of the way, finding a job really comes down to looking in the right places, networking and to a certain extent, luck.

At the moment, LinkedIn is one of the best places to find roles because you can set up great job alerts but it’s not the only place. These are some of the other places to look through outside of LinkedIn:

The best piece of job hunting advice I’ve ever heard

One of the wisest pieces of advice I ever got about job hunting came from a co-worker who was fresh out of uni. They said that they’ve never stopped looking at new roles to move into because there could always be something better. Keep your job alerts on even once you’re in a new role. Even if you’re intending to stay a while, staying aware of the job market is a great way to gauge if your role is living up to your needs as well as keep up to date as to how CM roles are evolving.